add CardApartament and Favorites components react

This commit is contained in:
Александр Манаенков 2023-05-03 22:47:25 +10:00
parent 67eac3f405
commit f30c2bc1de
5 changed files with 330 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react'; import React from 'react';
import Header from './components/Header/Header'; import Header from './components/Header/Header';
import Footer from './components/Footer/Footer'; import Footer from './components/Footer/Footer';
import Favorites from './components/Favorites/Favorites';
import './App.css'; import './App.css';
function App() { function App() {
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@ function App() {
<Header/> <Header/>
<main> <main>
<div className="horizontalLine"></div> <div className="horizontalLine"></div>
</main> </main>
<Footer/> <Footer/>
</> </>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
import React from 'react';
import './styles/CardApartament.css';
const CardApartament = function (props) {
return (
<section class="apartmentSection">
<div class="apartmentSectionLeft">
<img src="./images/apartment.png"></img>
<div class="characteristics">
<h3>{props.results.perimetrs} м², {props.results.rooms}-х комнатная</h3>
<p class="address">{props.results.address}, {props.results.floor} этаж из {props.results.floorHouse}</p>
<div class="transport">
<div class="transportBas">
<svg width="20" height="21" viewBox="0 0 20 21" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M19.0625 5.91797H18.75V4.04297C18.75 2.29297 14.875 0.917969 10 0.917969C5.125 0.917969 1.25 2.29297 1.25 4.04297V5.91797H0.9375C0.419922 5.91797 0 6.3375 0 6.85547V9.98047C0 10.498 0.419922 10.918 0.9375 10.918H1.25V17.168C1.25 17.8582 1.80977 18.418 2.5 18.418V19.668C2.5 20.3582 3.05977 20.918 3.75 20.918H5C5.69023 20.918 6.25 20.3582 6.25 19.668V18.418H13.75V19.668C13.75 20.3582 14.3098 20.918 15 20.918H16.25C16.9402 20.918 17.5 20.3582 17.5 19.668V18.418H17.75C18.375 18.418 18.75 17.918 18.75 17.418V10.918H19.0625C19.5801 10.918 20 10.498 20 9.98047V6.85547C20 6.3375 19.5801 5.91797 19.0625 5.91797ZM4.375 16.543C3.68477 16.543 3.125 15.9832 3.125 15.293C3.125 14.6027 3.68477 14.043 4.375 14.043C5.06523 14.043 5.625 14.6027 5.625 15.293C5.625 15.9832 5.06523 16.543 4.375 16.543ZM5 12.168C4.30977 12.168 3.75 11.6082 3.75 10.918V5.91797C3.75 5.22773 4.30977 4.66797 5 4.66797H15C15.6902 4.66797 16.25 5.22773 16.25 5.91797V10.918C16.25 11.6082 15.6902 12.168 15 12.168H5ZM15.625 16.543C14.9348 16.543 14.375 15.9832 14.375 15.293C14.375 14.6027 14.9348 14.043 15.625 14.043C16.3152 14.043 16.875 14.6027 16.875 15.293C16.875 15.9832 16.3152 16.543 15.625 16.543Z" fill="#A9A9A9"/>
<p>{props.results.timeToBus} мин</p>
<div class="transportSubway">
<svg width="18" height="20" viewBox="0 0 18 20" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M18 3.75V13.75C18 15.774 15.524 17.5 12.7759 17.5L15.3063 19.4422C15.5453 19.6257 15.411 20 15.1071 20H2.89286C2.58838 20 2.45523 19.6252 2.69369 19.4422L5.2241 17.5C2.48384 17.5 0 15.7795 0 13.75V3.75C0 1.67895 2.57143 0 5.14286 0H12.8571C15.4687 0 18 1.67895 18 3.75ZM8.03571 9.0625V4.6875C8.03571 4.16973 7.604 3.75 7.07143 3.75H2.89286C2.36029 3.75 1.92857 4.16973 1.92857 4.6875V9.0625C1.92857 9.58027 2.36029 10 2.89286 10H7.07143C7.604 10 8.03571 9.58027 8.03571 9.0625ZM16.0714 9.0625V4.6875C16.0714 4.16973 15.6397 3.75 15.1071 3.75H10.9286C10.396 3.75 9.96429 4.16973 9.96429 4.6875V9.0625C9.96429 9.58027 10.396 10 10.9286 10H15.1071C15.6397 10 16.0714 9.58027 16.0714 9.0625ZM14.1429 11.25C13.0777 11.25 12.2143 12.0895 12.2143 13.125C12.2143 14.1605 13.0777 15 14.1429 15C15.208 15 16.0714 14.1605 16.0714 13.125C16.0714 12.0895 15.208 11.25 14.1429 11.25ZM3.85714 11.25C2.79201 11.25 1.92857 12.0895 1.92857 13.125C1.92857 14.1605 2.79201 15 3.85714 15C4.92228 15 5.78571 14.1605 5.78571 13.125C5.78571 12.0895 4.92228 11.25 3.85714 11.25Z" fill="#A9A9A9"/>
<p>{props.results.timeToTrain} мин</p>
<div class="amenities">
<div class="amenitiesBlock">
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<path d="M15 0H1C0.45 0 0 0.421875 0 0.9375V2.8125C0 3.32812 0.45 3.75 1 3.75H15C15.55 3.75 16 3.32812 16 2.8125V0.9375C16 0.421875 15.55 0 15 0ZM1.33333 18.75C1.33333 19.4375 1.93333 20 2.66667 20H13.3333C14.0667 20 14.6667 19.4375 14.6667 18.75V5H1.33333V18.75ZM4 11.5625C4 11.3906 4.15 11.25 4.33333 11.25H6.66667V9.0625C6.66667 8.89062 6.81667 8.75 7 8.75H9C9.18333 8.75 9.33333 8.89062 9.33333 9.0625V11.25H11.6667C11.85 11.25 12 11.3906 12 11.5625V13.4375C12 13.6094 11.85 13.75 11.6667 13.75H9.33333V15.9375C9.33333 16.1094 9.18333 16.25 9 16.25H7C6.81667 16.25 6.66667 16.1094 6.66667 15.9375V13.75H4.33333C4.15 13.75 4 13.6094 4 13.4375V11.5625Z" fill="#A9A9A9"/>
<div class="apartmentBtn">
{/* TODO: добавить проверку на авторизацию */}
<button class="contactBtn">
<svg width="16" height="17" viewBox="0 0 16 17" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M15.5437 11.3882L12.0436 9.88817C11.8941 9.82445 11.728 9.81102 11.5701 9.84991C11.4123 9.8888 11.2714 9.9779 11.1686 10.1038L9.61861 11.9976C7.18598 10.8506 5.22828 8.89292 4.08132 6.4603L5.9751 4.91027C6.10126 4.80767 6.19054 4.66676 6.22945 4.50887C6.26836 4.35099 6.25477 4.18472 6.19073 4.03525L4.69071 0.535193C4.62043 0.374068 4.49613 0.242515 4.33925 0.163218C4.18236 0.0839204 4.00273 0.0618495 3.83132 0.100811L0.58126 0.850824C0.415998 0.888986 0.26855 0.982038 0.162983 1.11479C0.0574151 1.24755 -3.80697e-05 1.41216 1.8926e-08 1.58177C1.8926e-08 9.59754 6.49699 16.082 14.5003 16.082C14.6699 16.0821 14.8346 16.0247 14.9674 15.9191C15.1002 15.8136 15.1933 15.6661 15.2315 15.5008L15.9815 12.2507C16.0202 12.0785 15.9977 11.8981 15.9178 11.7407C15.8379 11.5833 15.7056 11.4586 15.5437 11.3882Z" fill="#007EFF"/>
Показать телефон
<button class="favoritesBtn">
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<button class="markBtn">
<svg width="18" height="19" viewBox="0 0 18 19" fill="none" xmlns="">
<path d="M9.82143 7.16406H1.17857C0.527902 7.16406 0 7.69196 0 8.34263V16.9855C0 17.6362 0.527902 18.1641 1.17857 18.1641H9.82143C10.4721 18.1641 11 17.6362 11 16.9855V8.34263C11 7.69196 10.4721 7.16406 9.82143 7.16406Z" fill="#222222"/>
<path d="M14.8214 1.16406H6.17857C4.97562 1.16406 4 2.13968 4 3.34263V11.9855C4 13.1884 4.97562 14.1641 6.17857 14.1641H14.8214C16.0244 14.1641 17 13.1884 17 11.9855V3.34263C17 2.13968 16.0244 1.16406 14.8214 1.16406Z" fill="#222222" stroke="white" stroke-width="2"/>
<button class="noteBtn">
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<div class="apartmentSectionRight">
<div class="apartmentPrice">
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<path d="M7 12L13.9282 0H0.0717969L7 12Z" fill="#2EC44F"/>
<h3>{props.results.price} </h3>
<p class="month">в месяц</p>
<p class="description">{props.results.description}</p>
<p class="date">{props.results.dateCreate}</p>
export default CardApartament;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-top: 22px;
display: flex;
/*Фото квартиры*/
.apartmentSectionLeft img{
width: 350px;
height: 250px;
/*Площадь квартиры*/
.characteristics h3{
margin-left: 34px;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 24px;
color: #222;
margin-top: 4px;
margin-left: 34px;
font-size: 16px;
color: #222;
display: flex;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-left: 34px;
/*Время транспорта*/
.transport p{
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 15px;
color: #A9A9A9;
.transportBas, .transportSubway{
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
width: 96px;
height: 32px;
border: 2px solid #A9A9A9;
border-radius: 20px;
margin-left: 11px;
margin-top: 23px;
margin-left: 18px;
display: flex;
max-width: 95px;
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
align-items: center;
.amenitiesBlock svg{
margin-left: 16px;
/*Вертикальная линия*/
width: 2px;
height: 55px;
background-color: #A9A9A9;
display: flex;
margin-top: 43px;
margin-left: 34px;
/*Кнопка "Показать телефон"*/
display: flex;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
width: 192px;
height: 32px;
background: #E3F0FF;
border-radius: 12px;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 16px;
color: #007EFF;
/*Кнопка "Избранное", "Закладки" и "Заметки"*/
.favoritesBtn, .markBtn, .noteBtn{
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin-left: 12px;
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
background: #fff;
border-radius: 20px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
text-align: right;
/*Цена квартиры*/
display: flex;
justify-content: end;
align-items: center;
.apartmentPrice svg{
margin-right: 5px;
.apartmentPrice h3{
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 24px;
color: #222;
/*Частота оплаты*/
margin-right: 25px;
font-size: 16px;
/*Описание квартиры*/
margin-top: 56px;
font-size: 15px;
line-height: 18px;
word-wrap: break-word;
/*Дата публикации*/
margin-top: 45px;
font-size: 15px;
.month, .description, .date{
font-weight: 500;
color: #A9A9A9;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import CardApartament from '../../components/CardApartament/CardApartament';
import axios from 'axios'; /* БЛЯ 10 КБ СУКА */
import './styles/Favorites.css';
const Favorites = function () {
const [apartaments, setApartaments] = useState([])
async function fetchApartaments() {
const response = await axios.get('')
useEffect(() => {
{, index) =>
<CardApartament results={apartament}/>
<div class="separationLine"></div>
export default Favorites;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/*Заголовок страницы*/
margin-top: 14px;
margin-bottom: 21px;
padding-left: 2%;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 24px;
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/*Разделение секции*/
margin-top: 22px;
margin-left: 34%;
border: 1px solid #ccc;