dumbproxy ========= Dumbiest HTTP proxy ever. ## Features * Cross-platform (Windows/Mac OS/Linux/Android (via shell)/\*BSD) * Zero-configuration * Supports CONNECT method and forwarding of HTTPS connections ## Installation #### Binary download Pre-built binaries available on [releases](https://github.com/Snawoot/dumbproxy/releases/latest) page. #### From source Alternatively, you may install dumbproxy from source. Run within source directory ``` go install ``` ## Usage Just run program and it'll start accepting connections on port 8080 (default) ## Synopsis ``` $ ~/go/bin/dumbproxy -h -bind-address string HTTP proxy listen address (default ":8080") -timeout duration timeout for network operations (default 10s) -verbosity int logging verbosity (10 - debug, 20 - info, 30 - warning, 40 - error, 50 - critical) (default 20) ```