# The resourceD config [ResourceD] # Whether to enable the resourceD. # If this is false, resourceD will start but respond to # all requests with 404 # It is false by default because resourceD is not required in a default installation. Enabled=true # URL to listen on ListenUrl="" # Resource ID must be like a java package name # At least one X.X. is required # # Examples: # org.university.logo # dev.indie_guy.logo # com.pany.logo # Test your names here: https://regex101.com/r/wQdOup/2 # [Resource."com.example.logo"] # Can also be an external link # If an external link is specified, # the resource will be returned as a 302 redirect to the link Url="file:///some/where" # File type, as according to this: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Basics_of_HTTP/MIME_types/Common_types mime="image/jpg"