/* env.rs - The environment loader. It loads all the .env config to a convenient `Env` struct. This file provides the `loadenv` function that will do just that. */ use std::{env::var, net::{SocketAddr, ToSocketAddrs, IpAddr}, path::Path, fs}; pub const DEFAULT_CONFIG: &'static str = include_str!("../config/filed.toml.example"); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Redis { pub pass: String, pub host: String, pub port: u16, pub prefix: String } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct VersionData { pub commit: String, pub branch: String } impl Default for VersionData { fn default() -> Self { VersionData { commit: env!("COMMIT_HASH").to_string(), branch: env!("COMMIT_BRANCH").to_string() } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Env { pub logging: bool, pub listen: SocketAddr, pub proxy_addr: IpAddr, pub redis: Redis, pub filedir: String, pub instanceurl: String, pub uploadspath: String, pub confpath: String, pub version: VersionData } fn get_var, O: From>(name: T) -> Result { let name: String = name.into(); let v = var(name.clone()); if v.is_err() { return Err(format!("Variable {name} does not exist!")); } return Ok(v.unwrap().into()) } pub fn loadenv() -> Result> { Ok( Env { logging: get_var::<&str, String>("APP_LOGGING")?.to_lowercase() == "true", listen: get_var::<&str, String>("APP_HOST")?.parse::().unwrap(), proxy_addr: { let env_var = get_var::<&str, String>("PROXY_IP")?; let ip = env_var.parse::(); let ret = if let Ok(ip) = ip { if ip == IpAddr::from([127, 0, 0, 1]) { log::warn!("Proxy address is No proxy will be trusted") } if ip == IpAddr::from([0, 0, 0, 0]) { log::warn!("Proxy address is All proxies will be trusted."); #[cfg(not(debug_assertions))] log::warn!("The warning above will not work well with production mode! Please consider setting the proxy address to a proper IP.") } ip } else { let mut env_var = env_var; // add port if not added if env_var.split(":").collect::>().len() == 1 { env_var.push_str(":80"); } let sock = env_var.to_socket_addrs(); if let Err(err) = sock { return Err(format!("Can't resolve {env_var}: {:?}", err).into()); } let mut addrs = sock.unwrap(); if addrs.len() == 0 { return Err(format!("{env_var} resolved to nothing").into()); } let addr = addrs.next().unwrap().ip(); addr }; #[cfg(debug_assertions)] { if ret != IpAddr::from([ 127, 0, 0, 1 ]) { log::debug!("Proxy ip is {}", ret) } } ret }, redis: Redis { pass: get_var("REDIS_PASS")?, host: get_var("REDIS_HOST")?, port: get_var::<&str, String>("REDIS_PORT")?.parse().unwrap(), prefix: get_var("REDIS_PREFIX")? }, filedir: { let spath: String = get_var("USERCONTENT_DIR")?; let path = Path::new(&spath); if ! path.exists() { fs::create_dir_all(path).map_err(|err| format!("Could not create usercontent directory: {err}"))?; } if ! path.is_dir() { return Err(format!("USERCONTENT_DIR is set to \"{}\", which exists but is not a directory!", &spath).into()) } spath }, instanceurl: get_var("INSTANCE_URL")?, uploadspath: get_var("UPLOADS_PATH")?, confpath: { let spath: String = get_var("CONF_FILE").unwrap_or("/etc/filed/filed.toml".into()); let path = Path::new(&spath); let mut dirpath = path.components(); dirpath.next_back(); let dirpath = dirpath.as_path(); if ! path.is_file() { log::error!("Config file is not a file"); log::info!("Trying to recover from error"); if ! dirpath.is_dir() { log::info!("The config file directory does not exist. Trying to create it"); let created = fs::create_dir_all(dirpath); if created.is_err() { log::warn!("Could not create the config directory: {:?}", created.unwrap_err()); } else { log::info!("Created the config directory"); } } if dirpath.is_dir() { log::info!("Config file does not exist, trying to write the example"); let wrote = fs::write(path, DEFAULT_CONFIG); if wrote.is_err() { log::warn!("Could not write example because of the following error: {:?}", wrote.unwrap_err()); } else { log::info!("Wrote example to {}", spath); } } log::info!("Giving up"); return Err(format!("CONF_FILE is {}, which is not a file!", spath).into()) } spath }, version: VersionData::default() } ) } impl Env { pub fn usercontent_dir(self: &Self) -> Box<&Path> { Box::new(Path::new(&self.filedir)) } }