# hey! `hey` is a command line tool to contact DuckDuckGo Chat API from your terminal. based on [this article](https://blek.codes/blog/duckduckgo-ai-chat/) demo:

a gif demostrating a prompt about a bedtime story

# installation if you run linux or macos, ```sh git clone https://git.blek.codes/blek/hey.git cd hey cargo b -r sudo cp target/release/hey /usr/bin/hey, ``` if you are on windows, idk have fun ## via a package manager arch (AUR) - `paru -S hey-duck` ### note for packagers to avoid name conflicts, packages should be named `hey-duck` or its form in a different naming convention. please submit an issue or a PR if you have packaged this to a distro, or email one of the maintainers. # configuration & cache there is a config file in `~/.config/hey/conf.toml` and a cache file in `~/.cache/hey/cache.json` you can set their paths and filenames via `HEY_CONFIG_PATH`, `HEY_CONFIG_FILENAME` and `HEY_CACHE_PATH`, `HEY_CACHE_FILENAME`. ## config file reference ```toml model = "Claude" # or "GPT3" tos = false # whether if you agree to ddg chat tos ``` ## cache file reference cache file stores the last VQD used. it is (probably) there so that the ai model would remember your history. [read more about duckduckgo chat api](https://blek.codes/blog/duckduckgo-ai-chat/) if you want to reset the VQD, just delete the file.