use std::{error::Error, path::PathBuf, process::exit}; use reqwest::{header::{HeaderMap, HeaderValue}, Client}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use clap::Parser; use std::io::{stdout, IsTerminal}; use crate::{cache::Cache, config::Config}; mod cache; mod config; const GREEN: &str = "\x1b[1;32m"; const RED: &str = "\x1b[1;31m"; const BLUE: &str = "\x1b[34m"; const WARN: &str = "\x1b[33m"; const RESET: &str = "\x1b[0m"; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct ChatMessagePayload { pub role: String, pub content: String, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct ChatPayload { pub model: String, pub messages: Vec } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct ChatChunk { pub role: String, pub message: String, pub created: u64, pub id: String, pub action: String, pub model: String, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct ErrChatChunk { pub action: String, pub status: u64, #[serde(rename = "type")] pub err_type: String, } fn get_headers() -> HeaderMap { let mut map = HeaderMap::new(); map.insert("Host", HeaderValue::from_static("")); map.insert("Accept", HeaderValue::from_static("*/*")); map.insert("Accept-Language", HeaderValue::from_static("en-US,en;q=0.5")); map.insert("Accept-Encoding", HeaderValue::from_static("gzip, deflate, br")); map.insert("Referer", HeaderValue::from_static("")); map.insert("User-Agent", HeaderValue::from_static("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0")); map.insert("DNT", HeaderValue::from_static("1")); map.insert("Sec-GPC", HeaderValue::from_static("1")); map.insert("Connection", HeaderValue::from_static("keep-alive")); map.insert("Cookie", HeaderValue::from_static("dcm=3")); map.insert("Sec-Fetch-Dest", HeaderValue::from_static("empty")); map.insert("Sec-Fetch-Mode", HeaderValue::from_static("cors")); map.insert("Sec-Fetch-Site", HeaderValue::from_static("same-origin")); map.insert("TE", HeaderValue::from_static("trailers")); map } async fn simulate_browser_reqs(cli: &Client) -> Result<(), Box> { let req = cli.get("") .headers(get_headers()) .header("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest") .build()?; cli.execute(req).await?; Ok(()) } async fn get_vqd(cli: &Client) -> Result> { let mut headers = get_headers(); headers.insert("Cache-Control", HeaderValue::from_static("no-store")); headers.insert("x-vqd-accept", HeaderValue::from_static("1")); let req = cli.get("") .headers(headers) .build()?; let res = cli.execute(req).await?; let data = res.headers().iter().find(|x| x.0 == "x-vqd-4").map(|x| x.1.clone()); if let Some(data) = data { Ok(data.to_str()?.to_string()) } else { Err("No VQD header returned".into()) } } async fn get_res<'a>(cli: &Client, query: String, vqd: String, cache: &'a mut Cache, config: &Config) { let payload = ChatPayload { model: config.model.to_string(), messages: vec![ ChatMessagePayload { role: "user".into(), content: query } ] }; let payload = serde_json::to_string(&payload).unwrap(); let req ="") // .headers(get_headers()) .header("Content-Type", "application/json") .header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0") .header("x-vqd-4", vqd.clone()) .body(payload) .build().unwrap(); let mut res = cli.execute(req).await.unwrap(); let new_vqd = res.headers().iter().find(|x| x.0 == "x-vqd-4"); let vqd_set_res = if let Some(new_vqd) = new_vqd { cache.set_last_vqd(new_vqd.1.as_bytes().iter().map(|x| char::from(*x)).collect::()) } else { eprintln!("{WARN}Warn: DuckDuckGo did not return new VQD. Ignore this if everything else is ok.{RESET}"); cache.set_last_vqd(vqd.clone()) }; if let Err(err) = vqd_set_res { eprintln!("{WARN}Warn: Could not save VQD to cache: {err}{RESET}"); } while let Some(chunk) = res.chunk().await.unwrap() { if let Ok(obj) = serde_json::from_slice::(&chunk) { if obj.action == "error" { eprintln!("{RED}Error obtaining response: {} - {}{RESET}", obj.status, obj.err_type); exit(1); } } let chunk = String::from_utf8(chunk.to_vec()).unwrap(); let chunk = chunk.replace("data: ", ""); for line in chunk.lines() { if let Ok(obj) = serde_json::from_str::(line) { print!("{}", obj.message); } } } println!("\n"); } #[derive(Debug, Parser)] #[command(version, about, long_about = None)] struct Args { #[arg(long, default_value = "false", required = false, help = "If you want to agree to the DuckDuckGo TOS")] pub agree_tos: bool, #[arg()] pub query: Vec, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { femme::start(); if ! stdout().is_terminal() { eprintln!("{RED}Refusing to run in a non-terminal environment{RESET}"); eprintln!("This is done to prevent API scraping."); exit(2) } let args = Args::parse(); let query = args.query.join(" "); let mut cache = Cache::load().unwrap(); let mut config = Config::load().unwrap(); if args.agree_tos { if ! config.tos { println!("{GREEN}TOS accepted{RESET}"); } config.tos = true;"Error saving config"); } if ! config.tos { eprintln!("{RED}You need to agree to duckduckgo AI chat TOS to continue.{RESET}"); eprintln!("{RED}Visit it on this URL: {RESET}{BLUE}{RESET}"); eprintln!("Once you read it, pass --agree-tos parameter to agree."); eprintln!("{WARN}Note: if you want to, modify `tos` parameter in {}{RESET}", Config::get_path::().join(Config::get_file_name::()).display()); exit(3); } println!("{GREEN}Contacting DuckDuckGo chat AI...{RESET}"); let cli = Client::new(); simulate_browser_reqs(&cli).await.unwrap(); let vqd = match cache.get_last_vqd() { Some(v) => { println!("using cached vqd"); v}, None => get_vqd(&cli).await.unwrap() }; get_res(&cli, query, vqd, &mut cache, &config).await; }