extends ../layout/main.pug block root - var title = 'Services' include ../ui/label.pug block content h2 My self-hosted services hr table(class='border_table' style='font-size:11pt') tr th Name th Link th Description tr td Excalidraw td a(href='https://draw.blek.codes' class='web_link') draw.blek.codes td | A draw board. Has real-time collaborative features. a(href='https://excalidraw.com') Official site tr td Gitea td a(href='https://git.blek.codes' class='web_link') git.blek.codes td | My gitea instance. I store all my new work here, although it is mirrored to github. tr td blek! Bin td a(href='https://bin.blek.codes' class='web_link') bin.blek.codes td | A privacy-respecting, js-free pastebin alternative (inspired by a(href='https://github.com/hnhx/librebin') Librebin | ) a(href='/project/blek_bin' class='web_link') Project page tr td Mailcow td No public web gui td | A set of programs to run a mail service. a(href='https://mailcow.email' class='web_link') Official site p a(href='http://kuma.blek.codes/status/all') +label('Status page', '#58ac58')