process.env.DEBUG = undefined; const db = require('../models'); const args = require('args-parser')(process.argv); const { authenticator } = require('otplib'); const path = require('path'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const qrcode = require('qrcode-terminal'); const prompt = require('prompt-sync')({ sigint: true, eot: true }); const bcrypt = require('bcrypt') if (args['help']) { console.log(path.basename(__filename) + ' [--pass] [--login] [--email] [--gpgkey] [--dry-run] [--no-interactive|-n] [--totp] [--set-totp] [--set-totp-recovery]'); console.log( ' --pass: Set password.\n' + ' --login: Set login.\n' + ' --email: Set email.\n' + ' --gpgkey: Set path to your GPG key.\n' + ' --dry-run: Don\'t do anything, but simulate like something is done.\n' + ' --no-interactive -n: Disable prompts. Designed for script usage.\n' + ' --totp: Add TOTP to the account. QR code and recovery codes would be printed to terminal.\n' + ' --set-totp: Set TOTP key. Designed for script usage.\n' + ' --set-totp-recovery: Set TOTP recovery keys (comma separated).' ) process.exit(0); } function exit_error(error, exitCode) { if (!exitCode) exitCode = -1; console.error(error); process.exit(exitCode); } let interactive = true; if (args['no-interactive']) interactive = false; // get data let password, login, email, gpgkey; let totpkey, totprecover, totpurl; if (args['pass']) { password = args['pass']; } else if (interactive) { // node does not provide a way to // get a password with hidden stdin password = prompt('Password: '); console.clear(); } else exit_error('No password supplied.'); if (args['login']) { login = args['login']; } else if (interactive) { login = prompt('Login: '); } else exit_error('No login supplied.'); if (args['email']) { email = args['email']; } else if (interactive) { email = prompt('Email: '); } else exit_error('No email supplied.'); if (args['gpgkey']) { gpgkey = require('fs').readFileSync(args['gpgkey'], {encoding: 'utf-8'}).toString(); } else if (interactive) { gpgkey = prompt('Paste your GPG key:\n'); } else exit_error('No GPG key supplied.') if (args['totp']) { totpkey = authenticator.generateSecret(32); totprecover = []; for (let i = 0; i != 6; i++) { totprecover[i] = crypto.randomInt(11111111, 99999999); } totpkey = args['set-totp'] ? args['set-totp'] : totpkey; totprecover = args['set-totp-recovery'] ? args['set-totp-recovery'].split(',') : totprecover; totpurl = `otpauth://totp/blek/${login}${totpkey}&issuer=blek`; qrcode.generate(totpurl); console.log('Totp URL: ' + totpurl); console.log('Recovery keys:'); for (let i = 0; i <= totprecover.length - 2; i+= 2) { console.log(' ' + totprecover[i] + ', ' + totprecover[i+1]); } } password = '' + password; // insert data if (args['dry-run']) { console.log('All done'); process.exit(0); } const salt = bcrypt.genSaltSync(12); const pass = bcrypt.hashSync(password, salt); async function create() { const data = await db.User.findAndCountAll({where: {login}}); if (data.count !== 0) { console.error('User with this login already exists.'); process.exit(0); } const user = await db.User.create({ login, email, pass, accessLevel: 4, gpgkey, totp: totpkey, totpRec: totprecover ? totprecover.join(',') : undefined }); console.log('All done'); process.exit(0); } create();