import { Terminal } from 'xterm'; import { XTerm } from 'xterm-for-react'; const fs = require('./fs'); global.fs = fs; const cmds = require('./commands'); /** * @type { Terminal } */ let terminal; /** * @type { XTerm } */ let dom; const prompt = '\033[1; \033[36m~ $ \033[0m'; let cmd = ''; let lastcmd = window.sessionStorage.getItem('last_cmd') || ''; function text_prompt() { return prompt.replace(/[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]/g, ''); } /** * * @param { string } char * @param { KeyboardEvent } dom */ function pr_char(char, dom) { if (dom.key.length != 1) return; cmd += char; terminal.write(char); } function exec_file(f) { const exists = fs.existsSync(f); if (!exists) { terminal.write('zsh: no such file or directory: ' + f); return; } const executable = fs.accessSync(f, fs.constants.X_OK); if (!executable) { terminal.writeln('zsh: permission denied: ' + f); return; } terminal.writeln('This is an online resume. It is not big enough to have a script runtime.\n'); return; } async function exec_cmd() { let c = cmd; const command = c.split(' ')[0]; reset_cmd(c); lastcmd = c; window.sessionStorage.setItem('last_cmd', c); if (command == '') { print_prompt(); return; } // if path if (command.match(/^((\.|\.\.)\/|\/).+$/gm)) { exec_file(command); terminal.writeln(''); print_prompt(); return; } if (cmds[command] != undefined) { const startY = terminal.buffer.normal.cursorY await cmds[command](c.split(' '), terminal); await (new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 10))); if ( != 0 && startY != { terminal.write('\033[30;47m%\033[0m\n'); } print_prompt(); return; } terminal.writeln('zsh: command not found: ' + command); print_prompt(); } function print_prompt() { terminal.write(prompt); } function reprint_prompt() { terminal.write('\033[2K\r'); print_prompt(); } function reset_cmd() { cmd = ''; terminal.writeln(''); } function cbackspace() { let exploded = cmd.substring(0, cmd.length - 2).split(' '); if (exploded.length == 1) { reprint_prompt(); cmd = ''; return; } exploded.pop(); cmd = exploded.join(' ') + ' '; reprint_prompt(); terminal.write(cmd); return; } function backspace(isCtrl) { if ( <= text_prompt().length) return; if (isCtrl) { return cbackspace(); } terminal.write('\b \b'); cmd = cmd.substring(0, cmd.length - 1); } /** @param { KeyboardEvent } dom */ function control_char(id, dom) { switch (id) { // backspace case 8: backspace(dom.ctrlKey); break; // enter case 13: exec_cmd(); break; case 38: if (lastcmd == '') break; cmd = lastcmd; reprint_prompt(); terminal.write(lastcmd); break; // Ctrl+c case 67: if (dom.ctrlKey) { terminal.write('^C'); reset_cmd(); print_prompt(); break; } case 86: if (dom.altKey) break; default: if (dom.ctrlKey && (dom.key.length == 1)) { terminal.write('^' + dom.key.toUpperCase()); break; } terminal.write('<'); if (dom.ctrlKey) terminal.write('C'); if (dom.altKey) terminal.write('A'); if (dom.shiftKey) terminal.write('S'); terminal.write(`${id}>`) break; } } function key(e) { /** @type {KeyboardEvent} */ const dom = e.domEvent; if (dom.key.length == 1 && !(dom.ctrlKey || dom.altKey)) { pr_char(e.domEvent.key, dom); } else { control_char(e.domEvent.keyCode, dom) } } function register(t, d) { terminal = t; dom = d; terminal.onKey(key); terminal.write(prompt); } register.pr_char = pr_char; module.exports = register;