extends ../layout/main.pug block root - var title = 'Articles' block content h2 Articles p. This is a bunch of articles written by me (like a tech blog of some sort) if articles table(style='max-width:600px;min-width:600px;border-collapse:collapse;border:0') each article of articles tr td(style='border:1px solid #c2c4c2;box-shadow:0 2px 2px #c2c4c280;border-radius:8px;padding:4px 24px') h4(style='margin:8px 0;padding:0') span(style='font-family:monospace') [##{article.id}] = article.title hr p= article.shortText p a(href='/article/' + article.id) Open full article tr td div(style='min-height:12px;max-height:12px') else p Error while loading articles: data is not present