extends layout/main.pug block root - var title = 'Guestbook' block head block content h1 Guestbook p. Leave a message if you want. hr table tr td h4 Message form form(method='post' action='/guestbook/submit') table tr td Your name: td input(type='text' name='name' value='John Doe') tr td Your email: td input(type='email' name='email' value='john.doe@example.com') tr td Hide your email? td input(type='checkbox' name='hidemail') p(style='margin:6px 0') Your message (512 chars max): textarea(name='message' style='width:100%;height:150px;max-width:600px;max-height:300px') p input(type='submit' class='send_button_1') td(style='padding:0 16px;margin:0') h5 Guidelines ul li Follow the DBAA policy. li | Do not post spam ads, keep it for humans. ul li There is no captcha for a reason. I'd like to keep it this way for as long as possible, so I humbly ask not to ruin it. span(style='font-size:10pt;color:darkred;font-weight:bold'). Warning: Your ip (#{ip}) will be logged and displayed for everyone.
You can delete your own message if it was sent from the same ip for 24 hours after it was sent. hr if (!data) p No records available. else table each entry, id in data tr td(width='20%' class='gb_sender_data') p(style='font-size:9pt'). ID: ##{id}
Sender: #{entry.name}
Email: #{entry.email}
IP: #{entry.ip}
// Date: #{new Date(entry.time).toISOString()}
td(width='80%' class='gb_entry_text') p(class='gb_entry_text_title') Message: p(style='margin:0;padding:0;font-size:10pt'). hiii