import Colored from '../../helpers/color'; const Title = (p) => {return
My web experience Most of my web projects are listed on GitHub.
I like Express.JS and Laravel, but also want to try Rust.
On frontend, i like to write no-js HTML using
template engines, or use React for complex apps like this one.
My projects:
Name | Sources | Description |
{} | Link | {proj.desc} |
) } module.exports = (args) => { if (skills[args]) return skills[args]; return (My native dev experience It isn't much.
I have only one project that is made with Qt/C++: CuteSchedule (Cute stands fot Qt).
But I do have a lot of experience with C and C++, as I like to write
a lot of programs in those languages in my free time.
An example of these programs: f2bin , BrainHeck.
) }Web dev (PHP & JS)
[#####] 100%
My main work field
More:skills web
C/C++/Rust native dev
[## ] 40%
I do this... sometimes
Linux skills
[#####] 100%
Do this all the time. I run linux on my laptop, pc and server
Being cis
[ ] 0%
Never liked it