extends layout/main.pug block root - var title = 'About me' var og = { title: 'blek! Site', type: 'website', image: req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host') + '/content/transylveonia.jpg', url: req.protocol + '://' + req.get('host') + req.originalUrl } include ui/label.pug block content h2 About me hr p. Hi there! My name is Alice and i like to build software.
I use mainly PHP and JS(node+browser) for my projects, but also like C(++) or Rust. table tbody tr td(style='width:400px') h3 My setup p I use Archlinux and KDE Plasma for my desktop p(align='center') img(src='/content/kdeoxygen.svg' width='200px') p For coding, I use VSCode or NVim. My terminal is usually either Cool Retro Term or kitty td h3 My neofetch include neofetch.pug td h3 Links ul li a(href='https://transgirl.cafe') My friend's mastodon instance li a(href='https://tilde.club/~blek') My ~~~~~ li a(href='https://unsplash.com') "FOSS" stock pics li a(href='https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ') Leaks of ChatGPT source code (warning ~2GB download) li a(href='https://duckduckgo.com/?q=John+Oliver+looking+sexy') Not a rickroll li a(href='https://nox.blek.codes') A thingy im working on