console.log('Executing startup jobs...'); if (process.env.APP_DEBUG) { process.env.DEBUG = '*/*'; } const fs = require('fs'); const {Base64} = require('js-base64'); const crc32 = require('crc-32'); const hrt = () => { let hr = process.hrtime(); return hr[0] + hr[1] / 1000000; } // load dotenv let dotpath = (process.env.APP_DEBUG == 'true') ? '.env.debug' : ''; if (!fs.existsSync(dotpath)) dotpath = '.env'; require('dotenv').config({ path: dotpath }); // load key if (!process.env.APP_KEY) throw new Error('APP_KEY is not set.') // TODO: perhaps a better approach to storing it???? // ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ process.env.APP_KEY = Buffer.from(process.env.APP_KEY, 'base64').toString('ascii'); console.log('Using a key with CRC32: ' + crc32.bstr(process.env.APP_KEY).toString(16)); async function startup() { let t1 = hrt(); await require('./helpers').ViewLoader.preload(); console.log('Views compiled in ' + (hrt() - t1) + ' ms'); console.log('Finished in ' + (hrt() - t1) + " ms"); } module.exports = startup();