//- This template accepts following parameters: title - Page title endpoint - Where the data should be returned description - Description for user pref_method - Method to return data with data - Types and names of data data is an JSON of objects with following structure: id: { name?: string, type?: string(text|textarea|codearea|boolean|number|email), def?: string } btn_name - Change the name of send button extends ../layout/main.pug block root - if (title == undefined) var title = 'Data editor' block content h1= title if (description) p !{description} hr form(action=endpoint ? endpoint : '' method=pref_method ? pref_method : 'POST') table if (data) each row, key in data tr td= row.name td : td case row.type when 'text' input(type='text' name=key) when 'textarea' textarea(name=key) when 'codearea' textarea(name=key style='font-family:monospace') when 'email' input(type='email' name=key) default input(type='text' name=key) input(type='submit' value=btn_name ? btn_name : 'Send!')