extends layout/main.pug block root - var title = 'Main page' block content // h1(align='center') Welcome on my website! p | Hi there! My name is Alice and I like to build software. hr p | Currently I am working on a college project (which is going to air in june) br | This website was built using Express.js p | Check out my a(href='https://github.com/b1ek') GitHub page | and my a(href='/resume') resume table(width='100%') tr td(width='20%') h4 Guest book | ( a(href='/guestbook.rss') RSS | ) ul li entry li entry li entry li entry li entry a(href='/guestbook') Write something in my guestbook! td(width='60%' style='border-left:1px solid #c2c4c2;border-right:1px solid #c2c4c2;padding:0 1%') h3 Blog ul each i in [0,0,0,0,0] li(style='font-size:16pt') | entry ul li data td(width='20%') h4 Links a(href='https://cameronsworld.net') cameronsworld.net a(href='https://')