extends ../layout/main.pug block root - var title = 'Resume' link(rel='stylesheet' href='/static/ui/resume.css') block content h2 My online resume hr div(class='resume_app_container') div(id='resume_js_app') p(class='js_loading_indicator') | JS is loading. Please hold on... br img(src='/static/ui/load.gif' style='border-radius:4px;margin-top:6px') br noscript span(style='font-size:9pt;color:darkred;font-weight:bold;text-align:center') | It seems that you have JS disabled. br | Please, enable it in order to run the app. block scripts if (process.env.APP_DEBUG) script(src='/static/dist/resume.js' async defer='') else script(src='http://localhost:1234/resume.js' async defer='')