so, a few days ago i've noticed that duckduckgo has this weird new "ai chat" option:
![screenshot of duckduckgo page with a red arrow pointing to the "Chat" button](/blog-image/chat-btn.png)
it allows you to select two models: claude 1.2 and chatgpt 3.5. the last one is widely known, however you can find some info on claude [here](
as i've always wondered just how real their claims are that your identity is never attached to the models, i've decided to research into the API.
## chat APIs
| Disclaimer: The following section is of educational purposes only. Please do not scrape DuckDuckGo's APIs, as it would only hurt the company which honestly cares about your privacy. |
| --- |
obviously the first thing i wanted to do see if there is a public chat API. i wasn't suprised when i couldn't find info on any of the public duckduckgo APIs(probably because there isn't any), other than [this stackoverflow answer](
however i've investigated a bit and turns out that client API is not that complicated as i thought.
now, first of all you need yo obtain the API token via `GET` with a header `x-vqd-accept: 1`. the api token will be in the `x-vqd-4` header. it seems a bit tricky to get the right token without it throwing a `ERR_INVALID_VQD` error later, so its best to copy the request as cURL from your browser.
it is quite weird actually that it seems to be accepting only genuine browser-generated headers. however they contain little to no identifying data.
after you got the api key, send a `POST` with a header `x-vqd-4: the-vqd-header-from-previous-request`.
the payload seems to be of this TS type and encoded via JSON:
i think its safe to say that no identity data is collected via the chat APIs, other than your IP address, which by itself is not usually enough to identify a user, especially if you're sitting on a public network.
also if someone from the team who made the API reads this, please tell me if i missed some points, and what the hell does VQD even mean.