module.exports = { '/skills/web': ` \x1b[1mMy web experience\x1b[0m I don't really know anything about web development, but I have some projects which are presented below: blek! Site: Second rewrite of my website. blek! ID: An auth server. blek! Bin: A pastebin alternative. homepage.js: Third rewrite of my website. `, '/skills/nt': ` Me native dev experience It isn't much but i do have a couple of projects (most of my native work is toy projects) CuteSchedule A school project that is supposed to be a interactive schedule menu hanging on a TV f2bin Convert files into C code`, '': `\x1b[1m# My online resume\x1b[0m Hi! Welcome on my online resume. This app was made with React and XTerm.JS My name is Alice and I like to build software. \x1b[1m# My skills\x1b[0m \x1b[1;32m[#####] 100% Web development (PHP,JS,Postgres)\x1b[0m More: \x1b[4mskills web\x1b[0m \x1b[1;31m[## ] 40% Native dev (C/C++/Rust)\x1b[0m More: \x1b[4mskills nt\x1b[0m \x1b[36m[ ] 0% Being cis\x1b[0m Really suck at this ` }