you have been invited to join blek! cc!
a trusted member {{ name }} has invited you ({{ invitee }}) to join blek! cc
if you want to create an account, please follow these instructions:
- if you don't have a GPG key, make one. use an email that you have stable access to
- send an email to
to apply for an account. include a copy of this email
- you will be invited to an interview after. the interview is about getting to know you, so don't be scared
- if your application is approved, you will recieve an email
just that you are seeing this does not mean that this is a genuine invite.
how do you know that this invite is genuine
if at least one if this is true, it is genuine:
- this email is GPG signed by a mail account. ensure that the key is trusted
- this email came from a mailbox
- ask the admin at
what blek!cc gives you
this subject is here so you understand if you even want to go through registration
- free website hosting at [name]
- mailbox or alias @
- possibly other services not mentioned here. this template is not often updated
if you do not want an account, ignore this email