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Dumbiest HTTP proxy ever.


  • Cross-platform (Windows/Mac OS/Linux/Android (via shell)/*BSD)
  • Deployment with a single self-contained binary
  • Zero-configuration
  • Supports CONNECT method and forwarding of HTTPS connections
  • Supports Basic proxy authentication
  • Supports TLS operation mode (HTTP(S) proxy over TLS)
  • Supports client authentication with client TLS certificates
  • Supports HTTP/2
  • Resilient to DPI (including active probing, see hidden_domain option for authentication providers)


Binary download

Pre-built binaries available on releases page.

From source

Alternatively, you may install dumbproxy from source. Run within source directory

go install


Docker image is available as well. Here is an example for running proxy as a background service:

docker run -d \
    --security-opt no-new-privileges \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --name dumbproxy \

Snap Store

Get it from the Snap Store

sudo snap install dumbproxy


Just run program and it'll start accepting connections on port 8080 (default).

Example: run proxy on port 1234 with Basic authentication with username admin and password 123456:

dumbproxy -bind-address :1234 -auth 'static://?username=admin&password=123456'


Authentication parameters are passed as URI via -auth parameter. Scheme of URI defines authentication metnod and query parameters define parameter values for authentication provider.

  • none - no authentication. Example: none://. This is default.
  • static - basic authentication for single login and password pair. Example: static://?username=admin&password=123456. Parameters:
    • username - login.
    • password - password.
    • hidden_domain - if specified and is not an empty string, proxy will respond with "407 Proxy Authentication Required" only on specified domain. All unauthenticated clients will receive "400 Bad Request" status. This option is useful to prevent DPI active probing from discovering that service is a proxy, hiding proxy authentication prompt when no valid auth header was provided. Hidden domain is used for generating 407 response code to trigger browser authorization request in cases when browser has no prior knowledge proxy authentication is required. In such cases user has to navigate to any hidden domain page via plaintext HTTP, authenticate themselves and then browser will remember authentication.
  • basicfile - use htpasswd-like file with login and password pairs for authentication. Such file can be created/updated like this: touch /etc/dumbproxy.htpasswd && htpasswd -bBC 10 /etc/dumbproxy.htpasswd username password. path parameter in URL for this provider must point to a local file with login and bcrypt-hashed password lines. Example: basicfile://?path=/etc/dumbproxy.htpasswd.
    • path - location of file with login and password pairs. File format is similar to htpasswd files. Each line must be in form <username>:<bcrypt hash of password>. Empty lines and lines starting with # are ignored.
    • hidden_domain - same as in static provider
  • cert - use mutual TLS authentication with client certificates. In order to use this auth provider server must listen sockert in TLS mode (-cert and -key options) and client CA file must be specified (-cacert). Example: cert://.


$ ~/go/bin/dumbproxy -h
  -auth string
    	auth parameters (default "none://")
  -bind-address string
    	HTTP proxy listen address (default ":8080")
  -cert string
    	enable TLS and use certificate
  -key string
    	key for TLS certificate
  -timeout duration
    	timeout for network operations (default 10s)
  -verbosity int
    	logging verbosity (10 - debug, 20 - info, 30 - warning, 40 - error, 50 - critical) (default 20)