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# blek!OS
hiii and welcome to the blek! OS install place
now, first of all it is not actually an OS but more like my customization rices for arch (aka dotfiles)
also some install scripts for stuff like `paru`
oh yeah also it has a (kind of) a package manager which is called `brick.sh` which is used to install some stuff
# installation
so this repo serves as both the OS and its package registry.
to install it, clone the repo and cd to it:
git clone https://git.blek.codes/blek/os bos
cd bos
now after you have done that, you will have a `brick.sh` in your working directory and you can install stuff !! ^=^
to do this, run this:
./brick.sh package1 package2 # list of packages is a bit down
# packages
ok so for now there arent a lot (probably wont be lmao) but theres the ones that are there:
1. `omz` - a cool shell framework
2. `nvim` - like vim but better + has my "rice"
3. `brick` - brick's brick to install brick on your system (hopefully it won't brick it)
to get the auto generated list of packages, run `./brick.sh -L`
## have fun ^^