forked from blek/world
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otherworld - a zola theme

you can see the demo here

how to use


  1. a linux system. you can use windows for that, but this guide centers itself on linux based systems.
  2. you need to have these programs installed: git and zola
  3. some creativity, html and scss skills


1. clone the repo

(aka download the theme)

lets assume that your website's directory name in daftpunk. it will appear in commands a few times, and you should replace it with your website's name.

$ git clone daftpunk
$ cd daftpunk

2. open an another terminal

in the same directory, run

$ zola serve

3. edit files in the content directory... per zola docs

how to disable loading

go to content/, and in the +++ blocks, set extra.noload to true.

like this:

title = "Welcome"

noload = true